Socio-Economic Mapping for Just Transition in Scarborough

Project Lead: Jim MacLellan

Socio-economic data is usually show on a radar chart. However, these charts miss important information such as

  • Relatedness of neighbours – radar charts are often used when neighbouring variables are unrelated, creating spurious connections.
  • Cyclic structure – the first and last variables are placed next to each other.
  • Length – variables are often most naturally ordinal: better or worse, though the degree of difference may be artificial.
  • Area – area scales as the square of values, exaggerating the effect of large numbers.


M-charts – such as the hexagon on the left – display all of this information in one data graphic.


This project will use publicly available data (e.g. Statistics Canada) to generate  comparative, relational data graphics of climate change impacts from the Scarborough community level to regional scales.